Our Programs

Each program aids participants to locate and move into housing, stabilize income and/or employment, address dysfunctional personal behaviors through recognition and redirection. Residence/participation is contingent upon demonstrating measurable progress on personal goal plan elements.

Progress through Partnerships

Partnerships leverage our abilities to interrupt the limitations of what we can do alone.  In conjunction with partner organizations, we help residents achieve the six vital linchpins of life: family, finance, social, spiritual, physical health, and mental health. These partnerships allow “wrap around” services and support, personally designed for each woman and/or child, disrupting the barriers to quality results.

Life Coaching

 Life coaching casts a forward looking vision. Coaches find that optimal solutions are within the clients themselves. The coach follows the client's agenda, helping discover her own values, purpose, and goals.

Our goal is that all staff is qualified as certified life coaches.

SHARP Program

All women included in the SHARP program meet the definition of “chronically homeless” as established by HUD; they were all homeless four times out in three years, they have a verified disability or report being HIV positive, have monthly incomes that do not exceed $600, are alone, and generally have a history of substance abuse and/or mental health problems. SHARP aids a minimum of 20 women each year, two-thirds of whom are African American, all are between 30 and 54 years of age.

Emergency Sheltering

Shalom House is committed to emergency sheltering for homeless women and children, transitional housing for homeless women veterans and their children, and permanent housing for disabled, chronically homeless low-income women.

Shalom House provides temporary shelter for women and children who have nowhere else to go. We provide for their basic needs: a bed, food, clothing, health and hygiene supplies, and a temporary address and telephone number